How to Schedule Steps in a Automation

Scheduling steps in bitCRM’s automation workflows allows you to control the timing of customer communications. Whether it’s sending reminders, reviewing product interactions, or applying conditions, this feature ensures your workflow operates smoothly and efficiently. Follow these steps to optimize your automation schedule.

Step 1: Access the bitCRM Automation Dashboard

Step 2: Create a New Scenario

  • Click "Create new scenario"
Click "Create new scenario"

Step 3: Create a Scenario

  • Build your scenario by selecting a "Trigger". For detailed guidance, check out How to Set Up a Trigger.
  • Customize your scenario by selecting “Communication Channels,” “Product Reviews,” or “Conditions” depending on your needs.
Customize your scenario
  • Click "+".
Click "+"
  • Select "Time Delay" and customize the duration by entering the desired "Number of time" and select “Minutes”, “Hours”, or “Days” to schedule your automation.
Select "Time Delay" and enter "Number of time" and select “Minutes”, “Hours”, or “Days”

Step 4: Save the Scenario

  • Click "Save" and click “Save automation”.

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