Instagram, bitChat

How to Integrate Your Instagram Business with bitChat

Step-by-Step Guide to Create and Connect Your Instagram with bitbybit

In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of creating and connecting your WhatsApp Cloud API with bitbybit. This integration will enable you to streamline your communication and enhance customer engagement by leveraging the powerful features of both platforms. Follow these simple steps to get started:

To connect to Instagram, you will need:

  • Instagram Business Account
  • A Facebook Page that is linked to your Instagram
  • Enable 'Allow access to messages' in Instagram

Step 1: Make sure you have a Instagram Business Account

On Instagram, you can change your personal profile or professional creator account into a business account to access features that can help you grow your business. Business accounts are best for retailers, local businesses, brands, organizations and service providers. An Instagram Business Account is necessary in order to connect your business to Instagram.

If you don't have one yet, you can follow the guidelines provided at the following link here

Step 2: Make sure you have a Facebook Page

Facebook Pages let you grow your business on and off Facebook. Pages come with a suite of free business tools that help you achieve your business goals. Facebook Pages are for businesses, brands, organisations and public figures to share updates and connect with people. Anyone with a Facebook account can create a Page or help manage one, as long as they have access to the Page. A Facebook page is necessary in order to connect your business to Instagram.

If you don't have one yet, you can follow the guidelines provided at the following link here

Step 3: Link your Instagram Business Account to your Facebook Page

Professional accounts on Instagram can be connected to a Facebook Page. When you choose to connect to a Facebook Page, this allows you to use your professional account for the ads you create on Facebook.

If you haven't link your account yet, see instructions here

Step 4: Enable 'Allow access to messages' in your Instagram account

In your Instagram Mobile App, Go to "Settings" > "Privacy" > "Messages" > "Message Controls" > Enable "Allow access to Messages"

Step 5: Connect to Instagram with bitbybit

1. Choose Instagram and click "Connect". You can go to bitbybit's integration page here.

Choose Instagram integration and click "Connect"

2. Click on the "Connect to Meta" button to start connecting your Instagram account

Click "Connect to Meta"

3. Choose the Instagram businesses that you want to connect to bitChat

Choose your Instagram businesses

4. Choose the Facebook Pages

Choose the Pages

5. Choose your Instagram accounts

Choose Instagram accounts

6. Review all your permission requests

Review permission request

7. Once everything is done, click the "Got it" button and then you will be returned to the integrations page

Click "Got it" button

8. Select the Instagram account you want to connect, then click "Continue" and wait a few moments until the notification "Successfully connected to Instagram" appears

Select Instagram account then click "Continue"

9. Congratulations! Your Instagram channel is successfully connected to bitChat and you can see your customer's Instagram chat list :)

Congratulations! You have successfully created and connected your Instagram with bitbybit. This powerful integration will help you manage your customer communications more efficiently, providing a seamless and professional experience for your clients.

Happy messaging!

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