How to Create a Campaign with Button Options

Creating a campaign with button options in bitCRM helps you engage customers directly through WhatsApp and makes interactions seamless. This feature allows you to provide quick replies, collect data through forms, or direct users to specific websites. Follow these steps to create a campaign with various button types.

Step 1: Go to the bitCRM Template dashboard
Step 2:
Click "Create new template" and select "Campaign"

Click "Create new template" and select "Campaign"

Step 3: Click "WhatsApp Cloud API"

Click"WhatsApp Cloud API"

Step 4: Fill in the required template

Fill in the required template

Step 5: Click the toggle to green then select "button type"

Click the toggle to green
Select "Button type"

1. Reply Button: Enable instant replies. Example triggers: “Menu Utama,” “promo”.
  • Fill in “Reply button text”
Fill in “Reply button text”
Button reply display

2. WhatsApp Form: Collect data like surveys or reservations within WhatsApp.
  • Select "WhatsApp form" on dropdown or see here How to Create a WhatsApp Form and fill in "Button text"
Select "WhatsApp form" or "Create new WhatsApp Form" and fill in "Button text"
WhatsApp Form display
WhatsApp Form display

3. Call to Action: Direct users to a traffic website or landing page.
  • Select dropdown between "Web URL", "Specific product", "Specific collections". Then fill in "URL" and "Button text.
Select dropdown between "Web URL", "Specific product", "Specific collections". Then fill in "URL" and "Button text
Button Call to Action display

Step 6: Click "Save template".

For further assistance, reach out to us at

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